Elevator, آسانسور, اطلاعات عمومی آسانسور, بهران

Behran added CMM and GMM as two new devices to its technical laboratory.

Coordinate Measuring Machine, also known as CMM is a piece of equipment that measures the geometries of physical objects. CMMs using a probing system to detect discreet points on the surfaces of objects. CMM is also used for high-precision measurement of dimensions and geometric tolerances in machined or reverse engineered parts. With its highly sensitive sensors, the device can obtain full 3D coordinates of complex parts and compare them with the expected characteristics.
Gear Measuring Machine, also known as GMM, is a piece of equipment that measures important parameters of the gear. Using its sensors, GMM receives the required parameters required for controlling and measuring different types of gears.
Behran Elevator and Escalator Industrial Group